Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Opportunities in Options Trading for A Buyer

Look for those underlying assets which have high volatility in option contracts. They will give you the profit if your homework is correct.

The profitability is very high when the volatility is high.

However, the risk is also high when the volatility is high.

Considers the intricacies involved in options trading. Remember that correct information is your weapon. Get it as much as you can.

You can not succeed just by spending money. You have to spend your valuable time as well.

Have patience. You will definitely get the desired results!

Understanding Market Trtends

Many times, you experience that the price of a share or a commodity rises when it is expected to fall logically and vice versa. You fail to understand why are the market trends not according to the fundamentals, which you have studied so painstakingly. Your calculations are proved to be wrong and you have to suffer a loss.

Many people say that there is emotional buying which increases the price of a share or a commodity greatly. On the contrary, sometimes there is emotional selling. You buy the argument and act accordingly. You trade and experience loss.

If you are interested in knowing the real reasons for the rise or fall in the price of a share or a commodity (according to me), pre-order my eBook about options at my own website the lowest price at http://www.hnkanade.co.in/buy-ebooks/#!/If-I-Were-An-Option-Writer/p/44912781/category=0

The eBook will be released on 15th December 2014.

Wish you profitable options trading!!!

Many times it so happens that the stock market index in a country falls considerably on a single day. Experts say that the fall in the index was due to very bad economic conditions in the country. The index rises considerably on the immediate next day. Experts say that there was some good news about the economy of that country which has resulted in the rise of the index. A common man fails to understand how an economy in a bad shape can have a magical turnaround in a single day.

The underlying reasons for the sudden fall and rise in the index value are not what are stated by the experts. The real reasons may be quite different.

Are you interested in knowing these probable reasons?

Pre-order my new eBook 'If I Were An Option Writer - A Guide for the Buyers of Option Contracts' at-

The eBook will be released on 15th December 2014.

Have a profitable options trading!!!

Monday, 1 December 2014

The prices of gold and crude oil have been falling constantly for some period of time. Everyone was expecting them to fall further. However, these prices shot up intra-day from the lows of yesterday to close quite higher. Especially, the price of gold increased unbelievably. The rise was unexpected for many people in the world. It is difficult to find out the reasoning for the same.

However, you can find it very clearly. You can understand the logic behind the same if you read my new book 'If I Were An Option Writer - A Guide for the Buyers of Option Contracts'.

It is available in different formats for pre-order at https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.smashwords.com%2Fbooks%2Fview%2F497603&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGth3o4Jmm3a6gKkkNm8ViBdPQYKg

It is also available for pre-order at http://www.amazon.com/If-Were-Option-Writer-Contracts-ebook/dp/B00QDWZBDU/ref=sr_1_8?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1417484642&sr=1-8

It is available in pdf format for pre-order at www.hnkanade.co.in at the lowest price.

Wish you a tremendously profitable trading!!!

'If I Were An Option Writer - A Guide for The Buyers of Option Contracts'

My latest book available for pre-order. The book will be released on 15th December 2014.

Available at http://www.hnkanade.co.in/buy-ebooks/#!/If-I-Were-An-Option-Writer/p/44912781/category=0

There are many persons, especially in a country like India, who do not know anything about the stock market. However, they become attracted to the stock market trading. They are not investors. They are traders by nature, that too amateurs. They want to make money as quickly as possible. Obviously, they are not interested in actually buying the shares or other underlying assets and taking the delivery for the same as this involves an investment of a considerable amount of money and time. So, they try to find other alternatives where they can trade with a limited amount of money. They find that there are futures contracts, in case of which, only margin money needs to be invested. This appears to be a good choice. Moreover, the return on investment is unbelievably high. They start creating long or short positions in the futures market. But alas! They soon realize that there are chances of earning huge profits only when their predictions are right. Otherwise, there are equally heavy losses. They realize that futures contracts are not a correct alternative for them. So, they start searching for something else. They find it. It is an option contract. It is available cheaply. Even if their predictions go wrong, they do not lose much. Moreover, the potential profit in case of an option contract is unlimited. So, they start buying call options and put options. Sometimes, they make money, sometimes they lose. However, over a period of time, they find out that they have lost a great amount of money in options contracts. This book is intended specifically for people belonging to this category.
It shows the way in which a person dealing in options contracts as a buyer can make good profits in most of his deals. This book does not claim that a buyer will earn profits in every such deal. Moreover, a buyer has to collect some basic information for the purpose of analysis. Such information is easily available on many public domains. Correct analysis and interpretation of such information can result into handsome profits for a trader.
I wish you a tremendously profitable options trading!!!